The eternal question that many entrepreneurs and professionals who receive invoices from other member states of the European Community for the realization of their economic activity ask themselves is: How to recover VAT?Many companies choose to include it in the account as an expense, but this VAT can be recovered.To ask the Tax office for a refund of VAT that has been paid in another UE country use a form 360 for each country to which you are want to order the refund. This refund will be issued quarterly or on an annual basis. The deadline for submissions is September 30 of the year following that which has supported this tax.The application is made online through the website of the Tax Agency. It must have the digital signature of the applicant company or professional and also be registered in the corresponding electronic notification service.Other data of interest:

  • Scanning of all invoices for which it is intended to claim back VAT and The originals of the documents presented must be kept.
  • Refunds may not be less than 400 € in quarterly requests or 50 € in annual requests.
  • Once the application is submitted, provided they are considered to meet the requirements, the Tax Agency has a period of 15 days to submit it to the Member State where the refund is claimed.